Thursday, October 9, 2008

Six Months Without Hearing - Stone Deat

How dangerous are some drugs?

Ask Lisa Seward who was treated for Amoeba and Malaria
in Mali, Afica in April 2008. Result, total 100%
hearing loss. Stone-deaf.

Lisa flew back to the USA and has been working with
Doctors to find a way to restore some type of hearing.
A month ago surgery and cochlear implants in one ear.

Today, the electronic type hearing was turned on.
She can hear. For the first time she realized there
is loud music at Applebees restaurant.

See Lisa learning to hear.

Hearing is a gift from God that most of us take
for granted. Like Lisa we do not really know
the intricate details of how we were created.

- Walter Seward

helping people financially



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